The King Looks for a Wife

in one kingdom in a country close by, very close, really around, There lived a king who had everything, such a very omnipotent king. as in fairy tales and as in stories, He was a man – the greatest of men. If it was good for him and it was pleasant for him You would not have heard this story. Because it is a rule in the great stories:

The heroes in them always suffer. But this king had no problems – it simply did not suit him. It wasn’t him.

Yossi Alfi – poet and theater person.

Among his books: This is I Yosef ben Hakelat, and the king went to sleep, which became a theatrical hit and won an award at the Kinor David Prize.


Yossi Alfi is also a co-author of the television series The Children of the Neighborhood of Haim.

The next book in the Kings series: The King makes an ascension.

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